The Chinese calligrapher uses delicate calligraphy to illustrate the graceful nature of the orchid.

These works are worthy of the collection of any orchid lover.

2012 Taiwan International Orchid Show invites Chinese calligrapher Hung-Wen Cheng to exhibit his works with the orchid motif at the International Conference Hall of Taiwan Orchid Plantation. The duration of exhibition is from March 1st to March 12th, 2012.

In this exhibition, calligrapher Hung-Wen Cheng shows his Chinese calligraphy work “Various Orchids” produced in the wake of his pioneering cross strait touring exhibition in Wuhan (the uprising city of the Xinhai Revolution), in Beijing (the Chinese capital) and in Taipei (the Taiwanese capital), this is his exceptional creation again.

The calligraphy of the “Lan” characters breaks the line only mode of traditional calligraphy to show a different aesthetic. Each “Lan” work is like the image of the “Flower Fairy”, “Flying Butterfly”, or “Phalaenopsis”, which means metaphorically that every orchid is silently waiting for its destined person. Hung-Wen Chen also exhibits his “Sentience of Orchid” work, which expresses that a person selflessly extends his arm and slowly stands up after he suddenly perceives the existence of orchid, and then he move to accept this gift from God.

For the “Dragon” year, Calligrapher Hung-Wen Cheng is exhibiting his Chinese calligraphy “Dragon” work (Size: 110cm x 192cm). This was drawn starting from the dragon’s horn on the left combining the Chinese characters “Stand” and “Moon”, then moving along a circle to the right to form the word “Dragon” and a dragon’s image. The whole word “Dragon” was written in one stroke combining hard and soft force as an expression of inner Chi. In addition, to the Chinese character for “Dragon”, he also makes the auspicious metaphor of the dragon soaring over the moon; a symbol of nobility and peace.

Chinese Calligrapher Hong-Wen Cheng was inspired in concentrating on the status of Chinese brush and using the spirit of Qigong and Tai Chi for his creation. With a fusion of painting and meditation, his Chinese calligraphy is written through his spiritual intuition and has touched the hearts of many people.